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Day Two: Friday, May 14th
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Dive In To Day Two!
Welcome And Introduction, Dr. Keith Delaplane -
Plenary LecturesThe Capensis Calamity: The Implications For Apiculture, Dr. Robin Crewe
Q&A With Robin
What’s In My Pollen? The Pesticides We Find In Bee Bread, Dr. Kirsten Traynor
Q&A With Kirsten
Bee Breeding: Problems And Promises Of Darwinian Beekeeping, Dr. Lewis J. Bartlett
Q&A With Lewis
Breakout SessionsThe Importance Of Nutrition, Jerry Hayes
Creating An Industry The Guyana Way, Amy Weeks
How Many Different Hives Are There?, Dan Long
Q&A With Jerry, Amy, And Dan
Viruses, Varroa, And Virulence: What Makes Bee Parasites Deadly, Dr. Lewis J. Bartlett
Why You Want To Rotate Old Comb, Bob Binnie
Want To Keep Your Bees Alive? Then Do Something!, Keith Fielder
Q&A With Lewis, Bob, And Keith
Nosema Is No Longer Nosema, Jerry Hayes
Crowding & Caravans: Is Industrial Beekeeping Bad For Bees?, Dr. Lewis J. Bartlett
Building Beekeeping Equipment, Lonnie Funderburg
Tips For Preparing Show Quality Beeswax, Keith Fielder
Q&A With Jerry, Lewis, Lonnie, And Keith
Cell Punch Method For Queen Rearing, Will Montgomery
Different Races Of Honey Bees, Cindy Hodges
How To Inspect A Hive, Bobby Chaisson
Q&A With Will, Cindy, And Bobby
Bringing the Institute To A Close And Looking To Next YearConcluding Remarks: Dr. Keith Delaplane, Young Harris, University Of Georgia Beekeeping Institute 2022!
Lesson 10 of 25
In Progress
How Many Different Hives Are There?, Dan Long
How many types of hives are there? The title says it all.

Dan Long is a Georgia Master Beekeeper, owner/operator of Brushwood Nurseries and Tallassee Highlands Apiary and President of the Eastern Piedmont Beekeepers Association.
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